On-line dictionaries/translation/encyclopedia

International Language Dictionaires (on-line translation in 200+ languages)

Logos Multilingual E-Translation - click on the logo and go!

Word Reference (Harper Collins) Translate French, Spanish, German, Italian & English dictionary

Dictionnaire de synonymes (e.g., beau = 195 synonymes!)

Le mot juste - Éditions Hachette  (on-line French-French dictionary

Lexilogos - dictionnaires, traductions, noms/prénoms, citations, étymologie, toponomie...

Handspeak - on-line sign language dictionary with visual demos

Proofing tools - spellcheck for Word products in various languages

Babelfish - AltaVista's built-in translator

L'encyclopédia canadienne en ligne

L'encyclopédie Hachette (articles, recherche, atlas)

L'encyclopédie Yahoo!

Other on-line French encyclopedia

Elan text to speech - click on "Demo" & hear your words aloud

Instant French-to-English/Anglais-Français

On-line quick search dictionary (16 languages)

Conjugator, spell checker, dictionaries - all on one site

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