Radio Canada - les nouvelles (audio, vidéo)
Mes nouvelles - articles brefs, manchettes, sports, arts & spectacles, monde, technologie...
Live Radio - Canadian stations broadcasting live
Links to international radio stations on internet
World News Radio - Language Box
Globegate - Francophone TV & radio (info on teaching)
Live broadcasts worldwide - radio, tv, webcam
Radiomonde (Francophone broadcasts & music autour du monde)
Live 365 - International broadcasts in Real Audio
Today's newspaper headlines: Les manchettes en français
Learning to read a French newspaper - lesson ideas & many international news links
Radio-Canada/Jeunesse (activités, nouvelles, etc.)
Branchez-vous - North American news
Branchez-vous (Internet news - European perspective)
Les clés de l'Actualité
(weekly current events - Fr.Immersion or Secondary Core)