Yahoo Canada en français - easy-to-use search engine
SFU's Sitographie pour profs de français (ressources pour FrImm aussi)
Canadian French Teachers' Site: Lessons, links, Cdn French, pronunciation
FSL Activities - M. Renaud (wealth of resources, links, activities) - Canadian!
The Human-Languages Page (I Love Languages)
Language Box - global site for news, radio, TV, currency, weather, translators
Kathy Schrock's Educators' Guide (Foreign Language Sites)
Tennessee Bob's Famous French Links
Handspeak - On-line Sign Language Dictionary (with demos)
French Language Lessons - links to on-line tests, lessons, courses
Babelfish: AltaVista's translation tool
Acronymes et sigles français (French acronyms & abbreviations)
Des gestes français (pictures & explanations of common French gestures)
French for Beginners: pronunciation, grammar, etc. explained in detail
Index des sites éducatifs de la francophonie
Brain Research: Implications for Language Learning
More on Brain Research: Dr. Teresa Kennedy, U of Idaho
French accents - reference cards for Mac and PC (PDF file)
search tips en français (PDF file)