WebQuests & Multi-media

WebQuests:  EDUC 480 - 2004 - Une belle collection!

WebQuests:  Collection française de Saskatchewan

WebQuest:  Oh Canada (by B.C. teachers, Laurine Dane and Ann Thorpe)

WebQuest:  Voyage Canada - 5ème année (A Junk)

WebQuest:  Qui suis-je?  Visite à Paris (par Janet Pollner)

WebQuest: Découvrez les maisons et la nourriture de d'autres pays

WebQuest:  Le chocolat (par Simplice Mountali)

WebQuest:  Astérix vs Tintin (by Jon Erickson)

WebQuest: Why Learn French? (by Spencer Lafleur)

WebQuest: Maple Syrup (by Frances Cartwright)

WebQuest:  Un jour à Paris

WebQuest:  Teen Travel Experts - about Spanish locations

WebQuests:  Jennifer McConnell's collection of Spanish webquests

WebQuest:  Ma santé me tient à coeur (exemple que vos élèves peuvent modifier)

WebQuest:  Les animaux en danger (par Frédérique Guémas de Surrey)

WebQuest:  Mon sport favori

WebQuest:  Famous Francophones

WebQuests:  Mission Virtuelle - les enquêtes virtuelles

WebQuest:  Comparing SanDiego with Biarritz (good model for your community)

WebQuest:  Learn to speak Spanish (good model for project-based language learning

WebQuest:  How many languages do you speak? (by Cyndi Grasso)

WebQuest:  Find jobs which require second languages

WebQuests for every level and subject  (Ed Helper.com)

More WebQuests - U.S. Teachers First site (a few in Spanish)

WebQuest Matrix- San Diego State University's "Original" WebQuest site

Canadian examples in various curriculum areas - Saskatoon East SD

E-TIP Coquitlam:  elementary technology cross-curricular integration (K-5)

Create your own WebQuest - on-line tutorial

Make your own WebQuest - template

Another WebQuest template (from San Diego State University)

Teachers First - WebQuest tutorial

Make a webpage using Netscape Communicator   (Free software)

Make a Power Point presentation       (Part of Microsoft Office suite)

Learn about KidPix (cheap, easy to use, Win/Mac)

Learn about HyperStudio (great on-line ideas, Win/Mac)

"Dining Out" - mix of technology and Core French - teacher project for grs. 7-9

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